Fastest Isolators
Upgraded to 7 kV |
NVEs IL700V-Series
isolators lead the industry in four key areas:
NVE isolators have the fastest rise time, shortest propagation delay, lowest jitter,
and cleanest signal fidelity. Unlike other isolators, NVE isolators are actually
usable at data rates of well over 110 megabaud.
Highest Isolation Voltage
IL700V-Series isolators have been upgraded to a world's best 7 kVrms (9.9 kVpk),
providing ample design margin even in the most demanding applications.
Best Barrier
NVE offers the worlds only Giant Magnetoresistance-based isolators. The
high-sensitivity, high-speed physics of this technology has enabled us to develop
a proprietary isolation barrier with 100 teraohm barrier resistance, virtually
unlimited barrier life, and a seven-kilovolt isolation rating.
Lowest EMI
Unlike competitive isolators that rely on RF coupling, NVE isolators have virtually
undetectable radiated emissions making EMC design simple.
Three Channel Configurations
All three standard four-channel IL700V-Series isolator configurations are in stock
for immediate delivery:
Evaluation Boards
These 2 x 3.5-inch (50 x 90 mm) boards have your choice of isolator, two bypass
capacitors as recommended, screw connections, test pads, and header pins. They
are designed to showcase best practice for EMC and for maintaining eight-millimeter
creepage. They are conformal coated to prevent surface arcing.
Demonstrating the Worlds Fastest Isolators
Watch our video showing a speed test against three leading competitors:
8.4 kV Testing
We demonstrate that the parts withstand 8.4 kV for one second, as required
for a 7 kV isolation rating:
Datasheet »