NVE Sensor and Isolator News
    October 2016 Electrifying  News  From  NVE
In This Issue
Rotation Sensor
Rotation Sensor Demonstration

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Sensor Government Grant
“High throughput Salmonella detector,” awarded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture National Institute of Food and Agriculture.

More Info >

New YouTube Videos
New ADT-Series TMR Rotation Sensors
Nanopower magnetic sensors run (almost) forever on a watch battery
ADL 1.1 mm Nanopower Sensor Demonstration
GMR Sensor Demonstration

New Demo Kits

ADT002 Rotation Sensor Evaluation Kit

Digital/ Analog/ Omnipolar/ Bipolar Sensor Demo Board
NEW! Ultralow Power
Rotation Quadrant Sensor
The new ADT002-10E rotation sensor is an ultralow power, digital-output sensor providing accurate, absolute rotational quadrant information based on a rotating magnet.

TMR technology enables low power and miniaturization, making the sensors ideal for battery operation.

ADT Overview
The New ADT002-10E Ultralow Power Rotation Quadrant Sensor
Key features include:
  • Precision digital quadrant outputs
  • Extremely low power (2 µA typ. at 2.4 V)
  • Wide airgap tolerance
  • Integrated fault detection
  • 2.4 V to 5.5 V supply range
  • -40°C to +125°C operating range
  • Ultraminiature TDFN6 package

The heart of the unique sensor is an array of four Tunneling Magnetoresistance (TMR) elements, one for each quadrant:

ADT002 Functional Block Diagram ADT002-10E Functional Block Diagram
The binary outputs correspond to the sign of the sine and cosine of the rotation, as shown in the truth table:
Angle of
  Sin     Cos  
0° – 90° H H
90° – 180° H L
180° – 270° L L
   270° – 360°    L H
An additional output indicates a fault if the magnetic field is too high for accurate measurements.
The new parts are in stock and available for same-day shipment, with no minimum order.
Demo Board
The AG932-07E Evaluation Kit includes a circuit board with an ADT002 rotation sensor, a rotating split-pole magnet, and simple circuitry to drive LEDs from the sensor outputs.

Two LEDs follow the sensor outputs; four others indicate the rotational quadrant. A 3-volt coin cell (included) powers the board.

This video demonstrates the evaluation board and typical external circuitry:

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