Five YouTube
Views of 2021 |
NVE will be closed Friday,
December 31 for the New Year holiday. |
New Products of 2021 |
Most Sensitive
Sensor Ever
The new ALT023 is a version of the popular ALT025 Tunneling Magnetoresistance
(TMR) analog magnetometer with ten times the sensitivity (200 mV/V/mT). The ALT023
can precisely measure fields from a few microtesla to 1 millitesla.
Gear-Tooth Sensors
ABT-Series Gear-Tooth Sensors are the worlds first Tunneling Magnetoresistance
(TMR) gear-tooth sensors. Key features include 0.001° resolution, large analog
peak-to-peak signals, two channels to detect direction, operating frequency to
350 kHz, and 150 °C operating temperature.
TMR Magnetic Switches
ADT-Series TMR magnetic switches provide ultralow power without duty cycling.
That means high speed, low noise, and more reliable operation. The parts operate
from 2.4 to 4.2 volts with a typical quiescent supply current of just 0.6 µA.
Magnetic operate points are as low as 1.5 mT. ADT sensors come in a 1.1 by
1.1 mm DFN4 package.
DC-DC Convertor
With 4 kV Isolation
The new IsoLoop® ILDC11VE
is a 10 mm by 8 mm 3.3-to-3.3 V DC-DC convertor with 4 kVrms isolation,
complementing the previously released 3 mm by 5.5 mm ILDC11-15E
with 2.5 kVrms isolation. Both versions provide 250 mW of regulated,
low-ripple power. Frequency hopping and shielding quash EMI and make ferrite beads
with Integrated
DC-to-DC Convertors
In 2021 we expanded our industry-leading line of isolators
with integrated DC-to-DC convertors to include boost versions, 4 kV isolation,
and a plethora of new channel configurations. The family is based on NVEs
revolutionary IsoLoop DC-to-DC convertor technology and patented GMR isolation
technology. |